1.5-Day Conference

Condensate & Naphtha Forum

13 - 14 November 2024
Penang, Malaysia

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The Condensate & Naphtha Forum, held annually since 1996 in Asia, the Middle East & Australia, has evolved into an annual “must attend” event for serious producers, buyers & sellers of Condensate & Naphtha. With business interactions at the highest levels, underscored by the presence of market leaders in the condensate, naphtha and petrochemical industries, the Forum provides an annual platform for the exchange of industry dialogue and networking opportunities.

Conference Theme

Bridging Horizons: New Condensate Supplies & Naphtha Transitions

In the foreseeable future, significant shifts are expected in the global energy landscape, particularly in the realms of condensate supply and naphtha markets. As new projects come online and geopolitical tensions persist, the dynamics of these sectors will undoubtedly undergo profound transformations.

Update on Condensate Supplies and Naphtha Market Dynamics

  • Anticipation of a surge in condensate supplies driven by major projects like Qatar's North Field expansions and Saudi Arabia's Jafurah Basin initiative
  • Projections indicate an additional 500 kb/d of condensate entering the market from 2025 to the early 2030s
  • Despite economic uncertainties and geopolitical tensions, the resilience of the naphtha market remains evident
  • The Asia Pacific naphtha deficit is forecasted to widen by the late 2020s, signalling potential opportunities and challenges
  • Naphtha's value relative to crude is expected to strengthen amidst evolving global petrochemical dynamics

 Join top management and energy experts from leading condensate producers, buyers and sellers in-person in Penang this year, for frank discussions on the factors above and the opportunities and challenges of the industry.

Conference Co-Chairmen

Dr. Fereidun Fesharaki

Founder & Chairman, FGE

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Dr. Jeff Brown

President, FGE

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who will provide insights into the latest developments and key drivers of the industry

Early Speakers Confirmed

Faisal Al-Haddad

Team Leader, Market Research
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

Sultan Al Maliki

Commercial Director
Basrah Gas Company

Dr Paul Cherry

Officium Projects, Hong Kong

Yiling Lee

Research Analyst-Tanker
Braemar Seascope Pte Ltd, Singapore

Dr Iman Nasseri

MD Middle East
FGE Dubai

Armaan Ashraf

Head of NGLs
FGE Singapore

Samuel Ho

NGLs Analyst
FGE Singapore

Plus More Speakers from Leading Global Players

Top management and experts from leading condensate and naphtha producers, buyers, sellers, traders as well as refineries, petrochemical and shipping organisations will provide insights into the latest developments and key drivers of the industry.

Key Industry Trends To Be Examined

  • Production, Supply & Demand Forecasts: Understanding future trends
  • Condensate Export Potential: Assessing opportunities for global distribution
  • China’s Economic Growth: Evaluating its impact on condensate splitter margins
  • Naphtha & Condensate Tradeflow Dynamics: Exploring the effects of divergent East-West and regional spreads
  • Pricing Strategies for Condensate & Naphtha
  • CPP & DPP Shipping Outlook: Anticipating future shipping trends
  • Sustainability in Feedstocks
  • Crude-to-Chemical Developments
  • Growth in Petrochemical Feedstock Demand: Projecting future needs
  • Utilization Strategies in Petrochemical Marketing: Optimizing condensate and naphtha use
  • Synergies in Integrated Refinery/Petrochemical Complexes


Who Should Attend

Be a Sponsor

Interested to be a Sponsor at the CNF Forum?Sponsorship Options Include 

  • Cash Sponsorships – Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze
  • Function sponsorships – Coffee Breaks, Lunch & Dinner
  • Ballroom Collaterals – Notebook, Pen, Coasters, Water Bottles
  • Delegate Gifts – Tshirt, Caps, Electronic Items
  • Audio Visuals
  • New Options – Barista Coffee & Golf

REQUEST FOR A SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE Or Contact the CNF Secretariat for details on sponsorship opportunitiesat tel 65-6338 0064 or email

shaman@cconnection.org or info@cconnection.org

Testimonials & What Delegates Found Useful About Attending

"Networking with other industry players and discussing various challenges was the most useful. The Cocktail reception was fantastic! The food & organization were absolutely delightful"
- Export Product Manager, Basrah Gas

"A very well-organized event. Lots of very useful information shared on both short-term trends and long-term strategies issues"
- Consultant, Officium Projects

"The forum is very good for getting updated data on Condensate & Naphtha, global evaluation and business trends related to Condensate & Naphtha as feed for the petrochemical industry"
- President Director, PT Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama

"Congratulations to you and your team for the very successful event. I personally found the conference very insightful and meaningful, and enjoyed the presentations and the opportunity to meet up with industry participants"
- Head of APAC Analysis, Vortexa Asia

"The forum covered some topics which made a difference for me in the trading of condensate, maximizing volumes & renewables"
- Commercial Director, Basrah Gas

"Great insight of the overall Condensate & Naphtha outlook"
- Naphtha Trader, PETCO Trading Labuan Company

"We have more knowledge regarding the overall issues & forecast about oil & gas since the pandemic period and 5 years ahead. Knowledge about Pertamina business, CDS & Naphtha processing in Indonesia, especially overview of business in KPI & position on energy transition in Indonesia, were all very insightful"
- Anonymous

"Overall energy transition trend and global oil market insights were useful"
- Naphtha Trader, Singapore Branch, Wanhua Chemical (Singapore)

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